TOP STORY: Riding the line between journalism and activism

Windy City Times’ Tracy Baim organizes rally that helps lead Illinois to marriage equality by Chuck Colbert Like many Illinoisans, the publisher of Chicago-based Windy City Times closely followed lawmakers’ deliberations in the state capital of Springfield. But when legislators failed to […]

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(What’s happening at your publication? Let us know at COMMUNITY MARKETING INC., based is San Francisco, is holding its 14th Conference on LGBT Tourism & Hospitality in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Dec. 11-13, 2013. For more information, go to FRONTIERS MAGAZINE, […]

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PRESSING QUESTIONS: Running a non-profit on a “shoestring”

Options of Providence, R.I. by David Webb Publisher: Options is a non-profit organization Staff size and breakdown: We have a part-time managing director, an even more part-time production guy, and a distribution guy who works even less than the production guy. All the […]

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TOP STORY: Annual LGBT community survey provides useful data for both editors and publishers

by Chuck Colbert A new survey of LGBT consumers, including many readers of LGBT publications, holds good news for publishers and editors alike. One takeaway message is that gay media still matters. Sixty-seven percent of gay men and 58 percent of lesbians, […]

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SIDEBAR: CMI survey results help in understanding readers, reaching out to advertisers

by Chuck Colbert Community Marketing Inc.’s annual LGBT community survey undoubtedly provides useful data for editors and publishers. Accordingly, Press Pass Q reached out to a dozen publishers, editors, and sales and marketing directors of gay media outlets to learn more about […]

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IN THE NEWS: Washington Blade reacts to gov’t shutdown, welcomed into White House Press Corps pool

by Joe Siegel With the federal government partially shut down, the staff of the Washington Blade is coping with an unusual situation and turning it to the paper’s advantage. Last week’s front page – during the first week of the shutdown – […]

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THE BILERICO PROJECT (BILERICO.COM) celebrated its ninth anniversary as a blog on September 25, 2013. BIL BROWNING, publisher of THE BILERICO PROJECT, has been appointed to a one-year term on the board of directors of the NATIONAL LESBIAN AND GAY JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION. […]

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PRESSING QUESTIONS: Flame Magazine of Ferndale, Michigan

by David Webb Staff size and breakdown: managing editor, entertainment editor, art director, 2 graphic artists, 5 photographers, and 8 contributors. Physical dimensions of publication/Average page count: The magazine is 8 ½” x 11” high gloss, 24-48 pages Area of coverage: Metro Detroit Key […]

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IN THE NEWS: NFL’s Brendon Ayanbadejo edits Washington Blade’s sport issue; Equality Forum offers LGBT media ways of covering LGBT History Month

NFL’s Brendon Ayanbadejo edits Washington Blade’s sport issue by Joe Siegel A recent all-sports issue of the Washington Blade had a special guest editor, former Baltimore Ravens linebacker Brendon Ayanbadejo. The issue featured news and commentary from leading sports figures, including lesbian […]

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TOP STORY: A call for the end of LGBT media “doom and gloom”

Annual LGBT Media Summit examines the industry’s past in order to inform and strengthen its future  by Chuck Colbert Over more than four decades, LGBT media outlets have stirred a movement, sustained a community and created a market. That legacy and gay […]

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