Month: November 2018

LGBT papers work fast to cover midterm results
by Joe Siegel The recent midterm elections were notable for the Democratic takeover of the House of Representatives and the victories of several LGBT candidates. LGBT publications, especially weeklies, were under the gun to provide coverage of the major races. Some adjusted […]

Florida’s Watermark now in the film business
by Fred Kuhr The owner of Watermark, based in Orlando, Fla., has created a film company, with plans for a documentary called “Greetings From Queertown: Orlando” already in the works. Watermark Film Company was launched by Watermark Publishing Group owner Rick Claggett […]

OUT, Advocate owners defend donation to anti-gay Republican
by Fred Kuhr Stepbrothers Adam Levin and Maxx Abramowitz, who now own OUT magazine and The Advocate under the umbrella of their new holding company PRIDE Media, came under fire recently for donating to anti-gay Republican – and just defeated – California […]

Interview with Editorial Director and co-founder Diane Anderson-Minshall and Editor in Chief Gerald Garth by Joe Siegel Location: Los Angeles and New York Geographic coverage area: National (and via digital, international) Year founded: 2018 Staff size and breakdown: A key staff of […]

GUEST COMMENTARY: Breaking barriers with excellence
by Mark Segal Mark Segal, publisher of Philadelphia Gay News, is the nation’s most-award-winning commentator in LGBT media. This column originally appeared in PGN. “General excellence.” Upon hearing we’d won this category, my thoughts were, “Just another award.” Now that might sound jaded, […]
What’s happening at your publication? Let us know. Email editor Fred Kuhr at AMBUSH MAGAZINE, based in New Orleans, celebrated its 36th anniversary in its October 9, 2018, issue. ECHO’s Amy Young LEWIS COVINGTON, a former writer with now-defunct Atlanta publication […]