(What’s happening at your publication? Let us know. Email editor Fred Kuhr at editor@presspassq.com)
THE BLADE FOUNDATION in Washington, D.C., announced it has opened the application process for a new winter fellowship. It is open for an aspiring D.C.-based college-age journalist interested in covering LGBTQ youth. The fellowship runs for 12 weeks starting January 2023 with a $2,500 stipend. The fellowship is funded by a grant from the Mayor’s Office of LGBTQ Affairs. For more information, go to https://www.washingtonblade.com/2022/12/06/blade-accepting-applications-for-new-fellowship-focused-on-lgbtq-youth/
CAMP REHOBOTH, the non-profit community center and publisher of Rehoboth Beach, Del.-based LETTERS FROM CAMP REHOBOTH, has officially launched its national search for a new executive director. Former leader DAVID MARINER resigned in May 2022, and LISA EVANS continues to serve as interim executive director.
CHICAGO READER, the weekly alternative newspaper that carries the WINDY CITY TIMES supplement and is led by publisher TRACY BAIM, celebrated its “50ish anniversary” on November 30 with an “ungala” at Chicago’s Museum of Contemporary Art. The event was a fundraising benefit for the newspaper and its publishing entity, the nonprofit READER INSTITUTE FOR COMMUNITY JOURNALISM.

Christopher Kane
EMBRACE MAGAZINE, based in Ocala, Fla., entered its third year of publication with its July 2022 issue.
KGAY 106.5FM in Palm Springs, Calif., which is also available at KGAYPalmSprings.com, celebrates its fourth anniversary on December 26, 2022.
THE WASHINGTON BLADE announced that CHRISTOPHER KANE is the newspaper’s new White House reporter, replacing CHRIS JOHNSON who stepped down in October after 15 years at the Blade. Kane, who has worked as a freelancer for both the Washington and Los Angeles Blade since 2018, will now occupy the Blade’s seat in the White House briefing room.
Volume 24
Issue 9