(What’s happening at your publication? Let us know. Email editor Fred Kuhr at editor@presspassq.com)
ADELANTE, based in Los Angeles, entered its 26th year of publication with its June 2022 issue.

CHUCK COLBERT, a longtime LGBTQ media journalist who was a former correspondent for PRESS PASS Q, passed away on June 30, 2022. A native of Johnstown, Penn., he was based in Cambridge, Mass., for most of his professional career. He was a regular political columnist and senior correspondent for Boston-based IN NEWSWEEKLY (Press Pass Q editor FRED KUHR was Colbert’s editor at In Newsweekly). He was a contributor to KEEN NEWS SERVICE, BOSTON SPIRIT MAGAZINE, WINDY CITY TIMES, BAY AREA REPORTER and NEW WAYS MINISTRY. His work also appeared in mainstream dailies including the BOSTON GLOBE, BOSTON HERALD, DALLAS MORNING NEWS, PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE and the WASHINGTON POST. He was a former national board member of NLGJA (then known as the NATIONAL LESBIAN AND GAY JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION) and a president of the New England chapter. Colbert was 66.
DALLAS VOICE entered its 39th year of publication with its May 13, 2022, issue.
GED (GAY ENTERTAINMENT DIRECTORY), based in Long Beach, Calif., entered its 10th year of publication with its June 2022 issue.
QNOTES, based in Charlotte, N.C., announced that two of its former employees had recently passed away. JOEL NATHAN SMITH died unexpectedly on February 25, 2022, at the age of 60. He helped with publishing, distribution and layout from the mid-1980s to the early 1990s. FRANK EDWIN DALRYMPLE died on February 1, 2022, at the age of 68. He wrote for the publication as well as helped with production in the mid-1990s. The newspaper also noted the death of TERESA ROGERS BRYANT, who died on March 18, 2022, at the age of 72. Her Gaston Country nightclub Night Owls, which catered to the LGBTQ community, was an advertiser, and she was considered a friend of the newspaper.
RAGE MONTHLY, based in San Diego, Calif., celebrated its 15th anniversary in its June 2022 issue.

SFGN (SOUTH FLORIDA GAY NEWS), based in Wilton Manors, Fla., celebrated its 12th anniversary in its June 2, 2022, issue.
THE WASHINGTON BLADE shared the work of DIANA BURROWS, an out lesbian student at the Corcoran School of the Arts and Design in D.C. She used the newspaper for inspiration for a recent assignment for which students were asked to create a collage and then replicate the collage in paint. Burrows used Blade clippings to create her project, and her professor sent the work to the Blade. Burrows is also a freshman at George Washington University majoring in psychology.
Volume 24
Issue 4