(What’s happening at your publication? Let us know. Email editor Fred Kuhr at editor@presspassq.com)
BAY AREA REPORTER, based in San Francisco, entered its 51st year of publication with its January 7, 2021, issue.
BETWEEN THE LINES, based in Ann Arbor, Mich., entered its 29th year of publication with its January 14, 2021.
THE BLADE FOUNDATION has opened its application process for two reporting fellowships, seeking two aspiring college-age journalists interested in covering LGBTQ issues. Fellowships run for 12 weeks, May-August 2021, and come with a $2,000 stipend. For more information, go to BladeFoundation.org/apply.
BRIAN CARNEY, the WASHINGTON BLADE’s film and television critic for the past nine years, died on January 28, 2021, from complications associated with congestive heart failure and advanced kidney disease. He was 58. He is survived by his husband BRIAN LONG.
FENUXE, based in Atlanta, entered its 12th year of publication with its January 8, 2021, issue.
THE FIGHT, based in Los Angeles, celebrated its 10th anniversary in its February 2021 issue.
GAY CITY NEWS, based in New York City, entered its 20th year of publication with its January 14, 2021, issue.
THOMAS E. HORN, a former publisher of the BAY AREA REPORTER and chair of the San Francisco-Paris Sister City Committee, has been awarded France’s National Order of the Legion of Honor by French President EMMANUEL MACRON.
LAS VEGAS SPECTRUM, which did not publish a December issue due to COVID-19, is now publishing every other month starting with its January/February 2021 issue.
LOS ANGELES BLADE entered its fifth year of publication with its January 1, 2021, issue.

METROWEEKLY, based in Washington, D.C., is offering hard copies of its recent Biden/Harris inauguration issue for sale on its website. Also for sale is a limited edition commemorative inauguration mug featuring the original illustration on the cover of that issue by SCOTT G. BROOKS. The image shows Biden, Harris, and several of the most notable president from American history.
NLGJA: THE ASSOCIATION OF LGBTQ JOURNALISTS has extended the deadline to submit nominations for its 2021 EXCELLENCE IN JOURNALISM AWARDS until March 2. For more information, go to https://www.nlgja.org/awards/excellence-in-journalism-awards/
OPTIONS, based in Providence, R.I., published its final planned regular print edition on February 3, 2021. In order to maintain its online edition, the publication sought donations to match an anonymous $5,000 donation. The fundraising drive was so successful that the donor has agreed to offer another match of $2,750.
OUR LIVES, based in Madison, Wisc., unveiled its newly designed website at OURLIVESWISCONSIN.COM.
OUT FRONT MAGAZINE, based in Denver, has rebranded itself as OFM with its January 2021 issue. It is also now a monthly, true-bound, hard-cover magazine. The magazine has also launched THE OFM PODCAST, which was formerly known as the OUT ‘CAST.
OUT NORTH TEXAS, published by VOICE PUBLISHING COMPANY and VISIT DALLAS, recently published its 2021 issue. Created by the same company behind DALLAS VOICE, this is a visitors’ and relocation guide for LGBTQ people looking to move to or vacation in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex.
OUT POST, based in Ann Arbor, Mich., celebrated its 31st anniversary in its January 2021 issue.
PEACH, based in Atlanta, entered its fifth year of publication with its January 13, 2021, issue.
PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS entered its 45th year of publication with its January 1, 2021, issue.
Q MAGAZINE, based in Key West, Fla., entered its 16th year of publication with its January 2021 issue.
QUEERTY has partnered with FOREVER DOG to launch a weekly podcast hosted by GABE GONZÁLEZ. QUEERTY: THE PODCAST is available every Friday on Apple, Spotify and Stitcher.
THE RAINBOW TIMES, based in Boston, entered its 14th year of publication with its December 10, 2020, issue.

SAN FRANCISCO BAY TIMES commissioned San Francisco street artist fnnch to design its cover for the last issue of 2020, a take on the artist’s honey bear series of murals.
SEATTLE GAY NEWS entered its 49th year of publication with its January 1, 2021, issue.
SOUTH FLORIDA GAY NEWS, based in Wilton Manors, Fla., entered its 12th year of publication with its January 7, 2021, issue.
SPANISH AQUÍ PRESENTS, the first Latinx podcast on the EARWOLF network, has been nominated for best podcast of the year by IHEART RADIO. The podcast is hosted by RAIZA LICEA, CARLOS SANTOS, OSCAR MONTOYA and TONY RODRIGUEZ. The latter two are LGBTQ.
TRANSGRIOT LLC, a new online venture inspired by the work of the late transgender journalist MONICA ROBERTS, is now in development by publisher DEE DEE WATTERS.
UNITE SEATTLE reached a milestone, now available at 200 locations from Juneau, Alaska, to Portland, Oregon.
WASHINGTON BLADE entered its 52nd year of publication with its January 1, 2021, issue.
WATERMARK, based in Orlando, Fla., entered its 28th year of publication with its January 7, 2021, issue.
Volume 22
Issue 11