BOSTON SPIRIT announced that ROB PHELPS is its new editor in chief, taking over from JIM LOPATA, who left to pursue other opportunities. The magazine also celebrated its 15th anniversary in its April 2020 issue.
Rob Phelps of Boston Spirit |
GAYELLOW PAGES, based in New York City, has published its final print edition, citing “very low” demand, mostly a handful of libraries, that barely covers costs. A monthly update of the free online edition is still available at
GEORGIA VOICE, based in Atlanta, celebrated its 10th anniversary in its March 27, 2020, issue.
GOLIATH ATLANTA entered its sixth year of publication with its Spring 2020 issue.
LAVENDER MAGAZINE, based in Minneapolis, will celebrate its 25th anniversary with its June 4, 2020, issue. Also, VP for Sales & Marketing BARRY LEAVITT celebrated his 21st anniversary with the magazine on April 12, 2020.
Cathy Renna |
OUTFRONT, based in Denver, Colo., entered its 44th year of publication with its April 1, 2020, issue.
PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS was awarded a Pennsylvania historical marker on March 17 by the PENNSYLVANIA HISTORICAL & MUSEUM COMMISSION. The marker, a blue and gold embossed sign, commemorates the newspaper’s role in the city’s LGBTQ history.
CATHY RENNA, longtime LGBTQ activist and communications consultant, has been named Interim Communications Director for the NATIONAL LGBTQ TASK FORCE, based in Washington, D.C. Currently, she is Principal of TARGET CUE, an LGBTQ-focused communications firm.
Volume 22
Issue 2