(What’s happening at your publication? Let us know. Email editor Fred Kuhr at editor@presspassq.com)
AMBUSH, based in New Orleans, entered its 37th year of publication with its January 1, 2019, issue.
BAY AREA REPORTER, based in San Francisco, entered its 49th year of publication with its January 3, 2019, issue.
BAY WINDOWS, based in Boston, entered its 37th year of publication with its December 6, 2018, issue.
Patrick Colson-Price |
BETWEEN THE LINES, based in Livonia, Mich., hosted a farewell party for COMMON LANGUAGE BOOKSTORE, one of the nation’s dwindling number of LGBTQ brick-and-mortar booksellers. The store was located in Ann Arbor until it closed December 15, 2018.
PATRICK COLSON-PRICE is the new editor of GEORGIA VOICE, based in Atlanta. Previously, he was a multimedia journalist at WRDW News in Augusta, Ga., and a reporter at WLEX News in Lexington, Ky.
TOBIAS GRACE, one of the founders and editor emeritus of Trenton, N.J.-based OUT IN JERSEY, passed away on January 6, 2019.
HOTSPOTS, based in Oakland Park, Fla., entered its 34th year of publication with its December 27, 2018, issue.
KGAY RADIO launched its new music format in Palm Springs, Calif., on December 26, 2018, by QCHELLA MEDIA CORPORATION. KGAY 106.5, “The Pride of the Valley,” is streamed worldwide on TUNEIN RADIO.
Barbara Kinney |
BARBARA KINNEY, a prolific photographer and activist, is celebrating the release of “#STILL WITH HER: HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON AND THE MOMENTS THAT SPARKED A MOVEMENT,” a coffee-table book of photographs she took during Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.
LIVING OUT LI, based in Long Island, N.Y., celebrated the 25th anniversary of THE LGBT NETWORK, a network of community organizations that includes the newspaper.
JUDY MCGUIRE has been hired as a writer at ECHO MAGAZINE, based in Phoenix. Her work has appeared in publications such as SEATTLE WEEKLY and TIME.COM.
OUTCLIQUE, based in Wilton Manors, Fla., entered its third year of publication with its December 2018 issue.
OUTSPORTS, based in Los Angeles, named Olympic figure skater ADAM RIPPON as its Person of the Year 2018.
PEACH ATL, based in Atlanta, entered its third year of publication with its January 2, 2019, issue.
SAN FRANCISCO BAY TIMES and the San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band held a joint 40th anniversary party on December 18, 2018.
CHRIS TARBOX marked one year as managing editor of LAVENDER, based in Edina, Minn.
TAG WARNER is the new CEO of London-based GAY TIMES. The 24-year-old has worked for the publication since March 2018 as a consultant. He replaces JAMES FROST, who bought the magazine in 2017 from previous owner MILLIVRES PROWLER.
WIRE MAGAZINE, based in Miami, announced that it is changing its publication schedule in 2019 to biweekly instead of weekly. The magazine will also launch a new website this month so that additional content can be published between print editions.
Volume 20
Issue 10