Month: January 2019

Presidential candidates have a record with LGBTQ media
by Joe Siegel (This is the first in a planned series of interviews with local media professionals who have covered candidates as they announce their presidential candidacy.) The 2020 presidential campaign already has a slew of contenders vying for the Democratic nomination. […]

Publications for lesbians and bi women stand up for trans people
by Fred Kuhr Leaders from eight of the leading publications targeting lesbian and bisexual women have joined together to issue a statement in support of trans people. The open letter was signed by Curve and LOTL publisher Silke Bader, DIVA Magazine editor […]

Hotspots Magazine sees green in going green
by Fred Kuhr Glossy magazine Hotspots, based in Oakland Park, Fla., is making changes of its own in order to combat changes in the climate. Publisher Peter Clark announced last month, “With so much news about climate change lately, we are stepping […]

GUEST COMMENTARY: Print is dead, long live print
by Rick Claggett (Rick Claggett is publisher of Watermark, based in Orlando, Fla. A slightly longer version of this editorial originally appeared in the November 29, 2018, issue of the newspaper.) “Print is dead.” I’ve heard this for at least 10 years, […]

PRESSING QUESTIONS: The Rage Monthly of San Diego
Interview with Editor in Chief Joel Martens by Joe Siegel Geographic coverage area: The larger Southern California area with three separate magazines that speak to each of the following regions: San Diego County, Orange & Los Angeles Counties, and the Greater Palm Springs […]
(What’s happening at your publication? Let us know. Email editor Fred Kuhr at AMBUSH, based in New Orleans, entered its 37th year of publication with its January 1, 2019, issue. BAY AREA REPORTER, based in San Francisco, entered its 49th year […]