by Fred Kuhr
In anticipation of NLGJA – The Association of LGBTQ Journalists’ annual convention in September, the announced the recipients of its Excellence in Journalism Awards for work produced in 2017.
The NLGJA Journalist of the Year honor was awarded to celebrated reporter Ronan Farrow, whose articles in The New Yorker magazine are credited with helping to uncover the Harvey Weinstein sexual allegations. The Sarah Pettit Memorial Award for the LGBTQ Journalist of the Year was awarded to Diane Anderson-Minshall, editor-at-large of The Advocate and editor-in-chief of HIV Plus Magazine.
Diane Anderson-Minshall |
“I am blown away by the work that was created in 2017,” said NLGJA President Jen Christensen. “While it was difficult to select winners from such a talented pool of submissions, I am so proud that our panel of judges has recognized these award winners. These recipients have set the bar for coverage of our community and have given me hope for increasingly terrific LGBTQ coverage in the years to come.”
NLGJA’s Excellence in Journalism Awards were established in 1993 to foster, recognize and reward excellence in journalism on issues related to the LGBTQ community. In recent years, the program was expanded to over 30 categories and this year included the creation of awards for Excellence in Food Writing, Excellence in Queer People of Color (QPOC) Coverage and Excellence in Longform Journalism.
The awards will be presented throughout the NLGJA National Convention to be held September 6-9 in Palm Springs, Calif.
Regarding Farrow, one judge said, “I can think of no other journalist who had a bigger impact this year
Ronan Farrow |
than Ronan Farrow. [He inspired] countless women and men to speak out against the predators who, for far too long, have been in great positions of power. Seeing the impact of his work, work that was not even welcome initially at his first media outlet, he continued to pursue the story, even at some risk to himself. In addition to the impact, the work is incredibly well-written, researched and reported, and he deserves recognition.”
On Anderson-Minshall’s work, another judge said, “Great interviews, wonderful depth, elegant writing and incredible when you know that Diane also runs the show for The Advocate. I don’t know how she does it all.”
For more information about NLGJA’s upcoming convention, go to
The rest of the 2018 NLGJA Excellence in Journalism Awards — including those honoring LGBTQ media — are listed below.
Print/Online Awards:
Excellence in Book Writing Award
Excellence in Feature Writing Award
Excellence in Feature Writing Award (Non-daily)
Excellence in Food Writing Award
Excellence in Longform Journalism Award
Excellence in News Writing Award
Excellence in News Writing Award (Non-daily)
Excellence in Photojournalism Award
Excellence in Profile Writing Award
Excellence in Sports Writing Award
Excellence in Student Journalism Award
Excellence in Travel Writing Award
Digital Awards:
Excellence in Blogging Award
Excellence in Digital Video Award
Excellence in Multimedia Award
Excellence in Online Journalism Award
Editorial Awards:
Excellence in Column Writing Award
Excellence in Opinion/Editorial Writing Award
Broadcast Awards:
Excellence in Documentary Award
Excellence in Local Television Award
Excellence in Network Television Award
Excellence in Podcast Award
Jacob Brogan and Benjamin Frisch for “Working,” Slate
Excellence in Radio Award
Coverage Awards:
Excellence in Bisexual Coverage Award
Excellence in Health or Fitness Coverage Award
Excellence in HIV/AIDS Coverage Award
Excellence in Queer People of Color (QPOC) Coverage Award
Excellence in Religion Coverage Award
Excellence in Transgender Coverage Award
Volume 20
Issue 4