Month: July 2017

11th annual Community Survey Report released
by Joe Siegel Community Marketing & Insights (CMI) has released its 11th annual LGBT Community Survey Report and the findings reveal growing anxiety about the political climate in the United States. Over 41,000 respondents from LGBT communities in 131 countries participated in […]

Publisher of Columbus’ Outlook Magazine arrested
by Fred Kuhr Columbus, Ohio-based Outlook Magazine has suspended publication in light of the arrest of publisher, editor-in-chief and art director Christopher Hayes. Hayes lives in Columbus, but was arrested in Parkersburg, West Virginia on July 3. According to a crime report […]

Rhode Island magazine runs out of Options
by Joe Siegel Options, Rhode Island’s all-volunteer LGBT newsmagazine, has suspended publication due to financial problems. Kyle McKendall, the magazine’s executive director, made the announcement in a letter to subscribers earlier this month. McKendall said the move was made because of a […]

St. Louis’ Vital Voice Magazine goes online only
by Fred Kuhr Vital Voice Magazine, based in St. Louis, Mo., announced that it will continue to exist as an online-only publication, ceasing its print edition with its June 2017 Pride issue. The announcement was made by CEO and Partner Darin Slyman […]

National LGBT Media Association hands out 2nd annual Ad POP Awards
by Fred Kuhr The National LGBT Media Association has announced its second annual Ad POP award winners, including many top corporate brand names. Formerly known as the National Gay Media Association, the National LGBT Media Association brings together the top regional newspapers […]

Longtime Chicago publisher and activist Chuck Renslow dies
courtesy of Windy City Times CHICAGO — Chuck Renslow, a longtime pillar of the LGBT community in Chicago and around the world, died June 29 after multiple long-term health issues. He was the publisher of Triumph, Mars and Rawhide Male magazines, publications mailed and shared across the […]
What’s happening at your publication? Let us know. Email editor Fred Kuhr at GAY SAN DIEGO columnist MICHAEL KIMMEL has published his first book, “The Gay Man’s Guide to Open and Monogamous Marriage.” Published by Rowman & Littlefield, it was released […]