AMBUSH, based in New Orleans, entered its 34th year of publication with its January 5, 2016, issue.
BAY AREA REPORTER, based in San Francisco, entered its 46th year of publication with its January 7, 2016, issue.
DAVID ATLANTA entered its 19th year of publication with its January 6, 2016, issue.
HOT SPOTS, based in Oakland, Fla., entered its 31st year of publication with its January 7, 2016, issue.

LIVING OUT, based in Woodbury, Long Island, N.Y., entered its 4th year of publication with its December 2015/January 2016 issue.
PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS entered its 40th year of publication with its January 1, 2016, issue.
Q MAGAZINE, based in Key West, Fla., entered its 11th year of publication with its January 2016 issue.
SEATTLE GAY NEWS entered its 44th year of publication with its January 1, 2016, issue.
THE WASHINGTON BLADE entered its 47th year of publication with its January 1, 2016, issue.
THE WISCONSIN GAZETTE, based in Milwaukee, entered its 7th year of publication with its November 19, 2015, issue.
Volume 17
Issue 11