Month: February 2014

SIDEBAR: Weddings, Pride play a role in LGBT travel, even in smaller communities
by Chuck Colbert Editors, publishers, reporters, salespeople and marketing professionals at LGBT media alike have plenty of travel-related data to ponder, thanks to CMI’s most recent 2013 travel research report. And while overall findings on the surface provide handy facts and useful […]

SIDEBAR: Digital publication satisfies gay men’s wanderlust
by Chuck Colbert It is neither a print publication nor a web site nor a blog. “It’s a paperless magazine that you read on your iPad.” ManAboutWorld’s articles give “insider’s information on the most popular destinations and information to travel far beyond […]

The Word, the Southern Midwest’s largest gay and lesbian newspaper, is for sale by its founding owner who wishes to retire. Since 1991, The Word has been debt-free, sells out every 56+ page issue and collects 98% of bills. Circulation: 9000+ print […]

What’s happening at your publication? Let us know at A&U, based in Albany, N.Y., and which bills itself as “America’s AIDS magazine,” entered its 23rd year of publication with its January 2014 issue. AMBUSH, based in New Orleans, entered its 32nd […]

PRESSING QUESTIONS: The Gayly of Oklahoma City
by Joe Siegel Geographic coverage area: Five states in the south-central region of the U.S. Year founded: 1983 Physical dimensions of publication: 13 1/2” x 10 1/2” tabloid Average page count: 32-40 Key demographics: More affluent than the general public Print run: […]
Community Marketing Inc. report showcases latest trends in travel-spending and decision-making habits by Chuck Colbert For nearly two decades, a gay-owned San Francisco-based consumer-research company has tracked LGBT travelers, their interests, destinations, and brand preferences. While the information provided annually in a […]