DANIELA COSTA celebrated her first anniversary as editor of GAY VEGAS in the publication’s April/May 2016 issue.
Daniela Costa of Gay Vegas |
DALLAS VOICE named CHAD MANTOOTH as its new advertising director. This is a promotion for Montooth, who has worked as a Dallas Voice account manager since January 2012 and as associate advertising director since April 2013.
GEORGIA VOICE, based in Atlanta, celebrated its sixth anniversary with its March 4, 2016, issue.
GO! MAGAZINE, based in New York City, entered its 15th year of publication with its April 2016 issue.
Chad Mantooth of Dallas Voice |
THE INTERNATIONAL GAY AND LESBIAN TRAVEL ASSOCIATION (IGLTA) named JUAN JULIA, the founder and owner of Axel Hotels, as its new board chair during its recent meeting in Cape Town, South Africa. Julia, who is based in Barcelona, Spain, is the first European to lead IGLTA since 2006.
METROSOURCE, based in New York City, entered its 37th year of publication with its February/March 2016 issue.
THE NATIONAL LESBIAN AND GAY JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION (NLGJA) announced that SACHELLE BROOKS is the new Administrative Assistant at its Washington, D.C., head office. Brooks first served as the Communications Intern for NLGJA through a program with The Washington Center.
OUTFRONT, based in Denver, entered its 40th year of publication with its April 6, 2016, issue.
PQ MONTHLY, based in Portland, Oregon, entered its fourth year of publication with its January/February 2016 issue.
SEATTLE GAY NEWS entered its 44th year of publication with its January 1, 2016, issue.
Volume 18
Issue 2