Month: May 2016

First-ever LGBT Guide to Business Travel published
by Chuck Colbert A first-of-its-kind new guide to business travel is out now thanks to publisher ManAboutWord and presented by Marriott International, IBM, and the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC). This is good news for LGBT travelers who may […]

New digital archive preserves LGBT history
by Joe Siegel A new digital archive is making LGBT history accessible to students and faculty at colleges and universities all over the country, in addition to public libraries in major cities such as New York and Seattle. The first phase covers […]

Former Dallas Voice photog indicted for neighbor’s murder
by Chuck Colbert A former Dallas Voice photographer, Christian (alias Christopher) Colbert, wanted in the murder of his former next-door neighbor Ronald Shumway, has been indicted by a Dallas County grand jury. Having fled to Los Angeles, Colbert confessed to the murder […]

Interview with Founding Editor in Chief and Associate Publisher Paul Schindler by Joe Siegel Geographic coverage area: New York City, plus to a lesser degree Westchester County, Long Island, and Northeastern New Jersey. Year founded: 2002, though the staff and contributors had […]
What’s happening at your publication? Let us know. Email editor Fred Kuhr at DANIELA COSTA celebrated her first anniversary as editor of GAY VEGAS in the publication’s April/May 2016 issue. Daniela Costa of Gay Vegas DALLAS VOICE named CHAD MANTOOTH as its […]