(What’s happening at your publication? Let us know. Email editor Fred Kuhr at editor@presspassq.com)
BAY AREA REPORTER, based in San Francisco, won several awards at the San Francisco Press Club’s journalism awards dinner on December 13, 2023. MATTHEW S. BAJKO, an assistant editor, won two first-place awards in the non-daily newspaper categories of news/politics column and business/technology. He also won two third-place awards in arts and feature categories. JOHN FERRANNINI, another assistant editor, took first place in the non-daily newspaper categories of news and breaking news as well as an honourable mention.

NEWS IS OUT, a national collaborative of six local LGBTQ publications, announced that its 2023 year-end giving campaign raised over $2,500. Supported by the LOCAL MEDIA FOUNDATION, the collaborative raised over $38,000 during all of last year.
OUT IN JERSEY, based in Trenton, N.J., entered its 29th year of publication with its December 2023/January 2024 issue.
Q MAGAZINE, based in Key West, Fla., entered its 19th year of publication with its January 2024 issue.
WINDY CITY TIMES, based in Chicago, entered its 39th year of publication with its December 14, 2023, issue.
KATHI WOLFE, a contributor to the WASHINGTON BLADE, has been awarded the 2024 Poetry Award by the William Meredith Foundation for the collection “The Porpoise in the Pink Alcove.”
Volume 25
Issue 10