(What’s happening at your publication? Let us know. Email editor Fred Kuhr at editor@presspassq.com)
BAY AREA REPORTER, based in San Francisco, announced that photos from its longtime photographer RICK GERHARTER are now part of the collection in the online archive DIGI CENTER at the JAMES C. HORMEL LGBTQIA+ CENTER, part of the SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Previously, the photos could only be accessed in person. The online collection is available at https://digitalsf.org/islandora/object/islandora:194682
BOSTON SPIRIT, in conjunction with Boston Harbor Cruises, held its first-ever Wedding Vow Renewal Event on September 13, 2023.
ROGER BRIGHAM, former sports columnist at the BAY AREA REPORTER, was one of the recipients of the DR. TOM WADDELL AWARD from the FEDERATION OF GAY GAMES. Brigham received the honor in recognition of his significant service and commitment to LGBTQ sport and culture.
GAY CITY NEWS, based in New York City, held its eighth annual IMPACT AWARDS ceremony on November 8, 2023, in Queens.

AMBER HOLLIBAUGH, author and activist best known for her 2000 book, “MY DANGEROUS DIARIES: A QUEER GIRL DREAMING HER WAY HOME,” died suddenly from diabetes complications at her New York home on October 20, 2023. She is survived by her partner, novelist JENIFER LEVIN. She was 77.
OUTCLIQUE, based in Wilton Manors, Fla., entered its eighth year of publication with its December 2023 issue.
PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS is among 17 local news organizations that will receive a Philadelphia Local News Sustainability Initiative grant from the LENFEST INSTITUTE FOR JOURNALISM. The inaugural two-year $2 million grant program will provide capacity-building funding and core operating support to nonprofit and for-profit organizations serving the Philadelphia area. As part of the grant, PGN will receive $100,000 to make significant investments in future sustainability through digital transformation, adding new operations and staff, and adding a multimedia news component.
GWENDOLYN ANN SMITH, the longtime “TRANSMISSIONS” columnist at the BAY AREA REPORTER who launched the TRANSGENDER DAY OF REMEMBERANCE 25 years ago, was a guest speaker at a TDOR celebration of life ceremony on November 18, 2023, in Villejo, Calif.
Volume 25
Issue 9