(What’s happening at your publication? Let us know. Email editor Fred Kuhr at editor@presspassq.com)
CHICAGO READER, the alternative weekly led by WINDY CITY TIMES co-founder TRACY BAIM, celebrated its 50th anniversary on October 1, 2021. The anniversary will be marked with a number of exhibitions, events and projects, including a display of archival materials at the NEWBERRY LIBRARY and a button design contest.
EQUALITY FORUM, based in Philadelphia, kicked off LGBT HISTORY MONTH with an event on October 3, 2021, with U.S. Sen. BOB CASEY JR. of Pennsylvania.
GED MAGAZINE, which stands for GAY ENTERTAINMENT DIRECTORY and is based in Los Angeles, unveiled its newly reformatted print magazine, increasing its page size to 8 1/2” x 11”, with its September 2021 issue.

PINK TRIANGLE PRESS, and its media outlet XTRA, both based in Toronto, celebrated its 50th anniversary with an online discussion on September 29, 2021, entitled, “Protest and Pleasure: A Revolution Led By Sex Workers.” Xtra contributor CHANELLE GALLANT hosted.
QLIFE MONEY, based in Las Vegas, announced the creation of QLife Money Business Accounts, described as the first nationwide LGBTQ business financial services solution. The accounts provide LGBTQ-owned and allied business owners digital-first financial services. Information is available at qlife.money.
MARK SEGAL, publisher and founder of PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS and author of “AND THEN I DANCED: TRAVELING THE ROAD TO LGBT EQUALITY,” announced that his book was selected by Apple as a “Recent and Trending Bestseller.”
Volume 23
Issue 7