THE ADVOCATE has been honored by LOGO’s third annual TRAILBLAZER HONORS television special, which was simulcast on June 25 on VH1 and LOGO. Iconic star of stage and screen HARVEY FIERSTEIN was the other honoree. The show was executive produced by CHRIS MCCARTHY, AMY DOYLE, RYAN KROFT, and CHRIS WILLIAMS for LOGO. MATT FLANDERS was co-executive producer. JOE BOUYE and LEAH LANE serve as executives in charge of production for LOGO. WENDY PLAUT, GINA ESPOSITO and MARCIA LANSDOWN are executives in charge of talent and music for LOGO.
AMBUSH MAGAZINE, based in New Orleans and led by publisher/editor RIP NAQUIN, helped unite 18 LGBT bars and clubs in the city to stand together in support of the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Fla. On Saturday, June 18, for New Orleans Pride, participating clubs hung a banner outside of their businesses proclaiming, “We Are Pulse,” to salute the victims of the recent shooting.
Diane Anderson-Minshall |
editor at large of THE ADVOCATE and editor in chief of HIV PLUS MAGAZINE, was honored by the NATIONAL LESBIAN AND GAY JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION (NLGJA) in Los Angeles on June 23, 2016. The organization presented her with the 2016 LISA BEN Award for Achievement in Features Coverage. The award bears the pen name of EDITH EYDE, the creator and distributor of the first known U.S. lesbian publication and inaugural winner of the award in 2014. NLGJA established the award to honor a journalists whose body of work is distinguished by insight and impact through engaging features on LGBT individuals, the LGBT community or LGBT issues. CYD ZIEGLER, co-founder of OUTSPORTS.COM, was presented with the award in 2015.
GAY CITY NEWS, based in New York City, came out of this year’s NEW YORK PRESS ASSOCIATION’s Better Newspaper Contest with recognition in 13 categories. The newspaper won First Place for Editorial Writing, and Second Place for Coverage of Elections and Politics, for Best Editorial Pages, and for Coverage of Religion. KELLY COGSWELL earned a Third Place Award for Best Column. Photographers DONNA ACETO and MICHAEL LUONGO won a Third Place Award for Photographic Excellence. A Third Place Award went to ANDY HUMM, DUNCAN OSBORNE and PAUL SCHINDLER for Coverage of Crime and Police. MICHAEL SHIREY won a Third Place Award for Best Multi-Advertiser Pages. Honorary Mentions were given to Gay City News for Best News Web Site, Special Holiday Edition, Best Front Page, Overall Design Excellence, and Writer of the Year.
PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS (PGN) published its 100-page 40th anniversary issue on April 8, 2016.
UNITY: JOURNALISTS FOR DIVERSITY held its third annual Diversity Caucus on June 17, 2016, in Washington, D.C., in order to bring together industry partners who believe in making American newsrooms more diverse. UNITY is an umbrella organization for the NATIONAL LESBIAN AND GAY JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION (NLGJA), the ASIAN AMERICAN JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION, and the NATIVE AMERICAN JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION.
Volume 18
Issue 3