Month: April 2016

What’s happening at your publication? Let us know. Email editor Fred Kuhr at CURVE, based in New York, N.Y., entered its 26th year of publication with its January/February 2016 issue. Jeff Myers of the Gay Alliance andThe Empty Closet THE EMPTY CLOSET, […]

PRESSING QUESTIONS: The Fight of Los Angeles
Interview with Editor in Chief Stanford Altamirano and Managing Editor Mark Ariel by Joe Siegel Geographic coverage area: Southern California Year founded: 2011 Staff size and breakdown: 16 people, including one editor in chief, one managing editor, one designer, one office manager, […]

GUEST COMMENTARY: A 40-year journey for Philadelphia Gay News
by Mark Segal Mark Segal, publisher of Philadelphia Gay News (PGN), is the nation’s most award-winning commentator in LGBT media. His best selling memoir “And Then I Danced, Traveling the Road to Equality’” is available at, Barnes and or your […]

Global LGBT survey looking to partner with media outlets
by Chuck Colbert Community Marketing Inc. (CMI), a gay-owned San Francisco-based consumer-research company, is gearing up to launch its 10th Anniversary LGBT Community Survey. The survey will be fielded April 15-May 31. LGBT media outlets can register now at This is the largest […]
ESTABLISHED GAY MALE TRAVEL WRITER — specializing in adventure, cultural, off the beaten path, and purely hedonistic beaches, palm tree islands in the sun travel — seeking new outlets. DO YOU HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT for the Bulletin Board? Bulletin Board announcements are […]