PRESSING QUESTIONS: GED Magazine of Long Beach, Calif.

Interview with Director of Sales and Marketing Christopher Jackson
by Joe Siegel
Geographic coverage area: California, Las Vegas
Year Founded: 2013
Staff size and breakdown: 5 – editor in chief, creative director, art director, director of social media, contributing writer (features)
Physical dimensions of publication: 5.5” x 8.5” — a digest-sized format.
Average page count: 80
Key demographics: A wide range from young clubgoers to older more established LGBT socially active adults
Print run: 30,000
Web site:
PPQ: What part of GED magazine is the most popular?
Director of Sales and Marketing Christopher Jackson: We have created a diverse and eye-appealing magazine that is read from cover to cover. Some of our popular monthly columns include our city by city BarTab, celebrity features and our local NOW columns that highlight local well-attended events and fundraisers for organizations that otherwise do not have the budget to advertise their event.

PPQ: Who came up with the name and what was the inspiration for it?

Jackson: GED magazine was a creative decision in developing a name to pursue a broad readership and market reach – Gay Entertainment Directory.
PPQ: What challenge has your publication had to overcome over the past few years?
Jackson: Overwhelming response and popularity of the magazine has produced a large interest with potential contributing writers and we simply cannot introduce everything in the print version of the magazine.
PPQ: What one change would you like to make?
Jackson: GED would not change one specific thing, but continues to evolve and improve its already proven model of an entertaining and informative publication that is consistently picked up by readers.
PPQ: Do you see yourself as an activist journalist? If so, in what way?
Jackson: No. We are providing resources and information but not preaching any agenda.
PPQ: What advice would you give to anyone who may want to launch their own gay publication?
Jackson: Do your homework. [Publishing a gay magazine] is a thrill a minute, but extremely hard work.
Volume 17
Issue 12

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