Month: December 2019

Mayor Pete, Stonewall 50 among top LGBTQ news stories of 2019
by Joe Siegel News editors and publishers of LGBTQ publications across the nation have selected the presidential candidacy of South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg, the 50th anniversary of Stonewall, and the violence against members of the trans community as the top […]

Editors of Out and The Advocate are out
by Fred Kuhr On the same day, Dec. 11, the editors in chief of two venerable community magazines, Out and The Advocate, announced that they are leaving their jobs at Pride Media, which owns both titles. In fact, as many as 11 […]

World AIDS Day still important, say editors
by Joe Siegel Nearly four decades after the first cases of AIDS appeared, the epidemic has seen a massive reduction in deaths due to new drugs in the marketplace. LGBTQ publications continue to provide substantial coverage of the topic and editors note […]

Starbucks cool to advertising in LGBTQ media
by Scott Stiffler (This article is the second in a series by the Washington Blade’s Scott Stiffler looking into large corporations and their relationship with LGBTQ media. It is reprinted here with permission.) Many are happy to stand in line for what they […]

GUEST COMMENTARY: 50 years telling our stories, writing our history
by Kevin Naff (Kevin Naff is the editor of the Washington Blade. The following is adapted from Naff’s speech at the Blade 50th anniversary gala on Oct. 18 and originally appeared in the Blade. It is reprinted here with permission.) It is […]
(What’s happening at your publication? Let us know. Email editor Fred Kuhr at ZACK FORD is the new press secretary at the ALLIANCE FOR JUSTICE, a Washington, D.C.-based progressive judicial advocacy organization. Previously, Ford spent eight years at THINK PROGRESS, the news […]