What’s happening at your publication? Let us know. Email editor Fred Kuhr at editor@presspassq.com
BOSTON SPIRIT entered its 13th year of publication with its November/December 2017 issue.
DEBRA CHASNOFF, an Oscar-winning documentary filmmaker and activist, died November 7, 2017, of metastatic breast cancer. She died at her home in Noe Vally, Calif., where she lived with her spouse, NANCY OTTO. She was 60. Chasnoff won her Oscar in 1992 for Best Documentary Short Subject for her film, “Deadly Deception: General Electric, Nuclear Weapons, and Our Environment.” She made history when she thanked her then-partner KIM KLAUSNER, becoming the first woman to thank a same-sex partner while accepting an Academy Award.
PGN’s Jen Colletta |
JEN COLLETTA, after 10 years with PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS, is leaving to work as the Montgomery County government’s digital content manager. Colletta started at PGN as a staff writer in 2007 and was promoted to editor in 2012. In her new position, Colletta will orchestrate content for Montgomery County’s website. She will come up with creative storytelling ways to share information with county residents and coordinate social media efforts. PGN is in the process of searching for the next editor and will announce the hiring decision as soon as it is made.
CHARLES SHIVELY, a pivotal figure in the history of the gay liberation movement as well as early gay publications, died October 6, 2017, at the Cambridge Rehabilitation and Nursing Home in Cambridge, Mass. He was 79. An Ohio native, he came to Massachusetts to attend Harvard College, graduating in June 1969, the same time as the Stonewall Riots in New York. In 1970, he worked on the first issue of LAVENDER VISION, a co-gendered gay liberation newspaper. A year later, he helped form the FAG RAG collective, which published the first national post-Stonewall gay political journal. He went on the establish FAG RAG BOOKS, the GOOD GAY POETS, and BOSTON GAY REVIEW. He wrote frequently for GAY COMMUNITY NEWS, GAY SUNSHINE, and THE GUIDE.
DARLENE R. STILLE, an author and editor, died October 28, 2017, of colon cancer. She is survived by her partner of 40 years, CYNTHIA MARQUARD. The couple lived together in Chicago for many years and played instrumental roles in that community. They later moved to New Buffalo, Michigan, which is where she died, at age 75. She began her career as a production editor at Encyclopedia Britannica and went on to edit other encyclopedia and science publications. She wrote more than 150 science and technology children’s books. She also wrote travel articles for Chicago-based OUTLINES newspaper and WINDY CITY TIMES.
WISCONSIN GAZETTE, based in Milwaukee, Wisc., entered its ninth year of publication with its November 16, 2017, issue.
Volume 19
Issue 9