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Andy Ambrosius of ChicagoPride.com |
ANDY AMBROSIUS has joined CHICAGOPRIDE.COM as Boystown editor in chief. He will lead editorial direction, original content and expansion of the site’s Boystown channels. Prior to ChicagoPride.com, Ambrosius spent more than two years as editor for Patch, where he maintained a strong editorial voice for Chicago’s Boystown and Lakeview neighborhoods. Ambrosius also guest edited and reported for four other North Side Patch publications.
DIANE ANDERSON-MINSHALL, editor in chief of HIV PLUS magazine and editor at large for THE ADVOCATE, has been awarded the WPA Leadership Award by the Western Publishing Association. Anderson-Minshall was honored for spearheading the HIV Plus Treatment Guide Mobile App, which was the first app to offer comprehensive information on medications and other treatments, a pharmacy finder and articles from the trusted health editors of HIV Plus magazine. The new app provides medication listings, daily pill reminders, appointment reminders, viral load tracking, a pharmacy finder, and a detailed listing of current clinical trials, among other features.
MICHAEL BRUNO is the new editorial facilitator for OUR LIVES magazine, based in Madison, Wisc.
DALLAS VOICE, based in Dallas, Texas, celebrated its 30th anniversary on May 16, 2014, with a commemorative issue that chronicled the history it has shared with the community.
GA VOICE, based in Atlanta, entered its 5th year of publication on March 14, 2014.
GAYSAYER, from THE ADVOCATE, won the Best Social Media Community/Trade & Consumer prize during the 63rd annual Maggie Awards, which were held May 2, 2014, at the Sheraton Gateway Hotel in Los Angeles. The Western Publishing Association honored Gaysayer for its leadership role in the social media space. One of the first media outlets to have created a social media network dedicated to LGBT-friendly comedy, Gaysayer has accumulated nearly 10,000 Twitter followers with hundreds of LGBT comedians contributing. Gaysayer created the StandOUT contest, where comedians submitted YouTube videos with Advocate readers voting on their favorite, and Blanche Week, during which comedians tweet-roasted their favorite LGBT celebrities. Gaysayer provided an outlet for LGBT comedians to gain attention and a platform in the world of comedy. Follow Gaysayer now at @gaysayer.
HERETV, America’s only gay television network, launched a new website with a clean, fresh look and an even more user-friendly interface. Now fans can access information about their favorite Here TV programming quickly and effortlessly on their mobile phones, tablets, or computers. Visit the new website now at www.heretv.com.
HIV PLUS MAGAZINE published its 100th issue with its May/June 2014 issue.
FRANK (FRANKIE FIERCE) JOSEPH is the newest advertising representative for AMBUSH MAGAZINE, based in New Orleans.
LAVENDER MAGAZINE, based in Minneapolis, Minn., will be entering its 20th year of publication in June 2014. Sales and advertising director BARRY LEAVITT celebrated his 15th anniversary with the publication on April 12, 2014. Lavender will also be publishing its 500th issue on July 24, 2014.
OUTFRONT COLORADO, based in Denver, celebrated its 38th birthday on April 2, 2014.
OUTWORD, based in Sacramento, Calif., published its 500th issue on March 13, 2014.
STEVEN PETROW, author of ”Steven Petrow’s Complete Gay and Lesbian Manners,” is now contributing a bi-weekly advice column, “Civilities,” to the WASHINGTON POST that aims to engage with readers on all of life’s quandaries, with a special emphasis on LGBT/straight etiquette issues. Read Petrow’s first column at http://wapo.st/1nCXp9F.
QVEGAS, based in Las Vegas, celebrated its 10th anniversary with its April 2014 issue.
ROBERTO QUINONES, whose career has included operational and diversity leadership responsibilities across commercial and nonprofit organizations, is the new executive director of UNITY : Journalists for Diversity, an umbrella organization for Asian American, Native American and LGBT journalists.
MIKE RITTER, art director for Atlanta-based GA VOICE, passed away on March 30, 2014. He was admitted into the emergency room at Atlanta Medical Center on Friday, March 28, where doctors determined he had a dissection on his aorta, a severe condition. After undergoing a 10-hour surgery, he died due to the severity of his condition and complications from undergoing open-heart surgery. He was 48. In 2011 as cartoonist for the GA Voice, he won third place for Best Original Editorial Cartoon in the National Newspaper Association’s Better Newspaper contest.
UNITE NASHVILLE celebrated its one-year anniversary with its March/April 2014 issue.
WINDY CITY TIMES, based in Chicago, hosted a summit May 2-5, 2014, on LGBTQ youth in the Chicago region, to assess the current issues impacting homeless youth, and new solutions to these complex issues. The title of the summit was “Owning Our Lives: Dream It. Speak It. Do It!!” Speakers included openly gay Illinois state Rep. GREG HARRIS and ESPN commentator and CNN contributor LZ GRANDERSON.
Volume 16
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