Month: January 2015

(What’s happening at your publication? Let us know at BAY WINDOWS, based in Boston, entered its 31st year of publication with its December 11, 2014, issue. CAMP, based in Kansas City, Mo., celebrated its 11th anniversary with its December 2014 issue. […]

LGBT Business News launches biweekly, monthly publications in Miami
by Chuck Colbert Yet another gay publication has launched in South Florida with the debut on Jan. 19 of LGBT Business News. LGBT Business News, a print and digital media company, is producing a full-page biweekly print publication and a monthly magazine, […]

Canada’s Xtra closing print editions, going all digital
by Chuck Colbert In a significant strategic repositioning, Canada’s leading gay and lesbian publisher, Pink Triangle Press (PTP), announced this month that it would move to an all-digital platform. Consequently, in February, PTP is closing print editions of Xtra, Canada’s leading LGBT […]

Bilerico Project archives now part of Smithsonian collection
by Chuck Colbert The announcement on Bilerico’s website could not have been any clearer: “When the Smithsonian comes calling, you answer the door,” wrote Bil Browning, co-founder and publisher of The Bilerico Project. “There is no bigger honor for writers or activists […]

TOP STORY: Support from community builds for .gay Internet top-level domain
Decision forthcoming despite significant roadblock citing definition of “gay” by Chuck Colbert The effort of dotgay LLC to secure a top-level domain (TLD) for the LGBT community hit a significant roadblock when ICANN — the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers […]
by Chuck Colbert It’s good news for dotgay LLC’s effort to secure a top-level domain for the LGBT community. ICANN — the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers — has accepted dotgay’s request for reconsideration. Although the 32-page decision for reconsideration […]